Personal Project: Nike and Marathon London
Brief: Create a visual identity for 'Made to Play', an event that encourages children to achieve running goals through the guise of play.
Solution: Through graphic and spatial design I have created a branded event in South East London that allows participants to successfully add to their four marathon running goal. The event takes place within Greenwich park, encouraging children of all ages and abilities to take part in the initiative. In line with the Made to Play ethos, the event will be powered and run by local coaches, supporting kid-centered play in their communities. Through a series of ‘Playground’ installations, the children are encouraged to run between different locations in the park, completing challenges and in turn increasing their running total one mile at a time. The graphic identity that I have produced is centred around a feel good and energetic aesthetic, attracting and enticing the children to take part in physical activity. The brand guidelines, graphic identity and spatial design all aim to reflect the encouragement and excitement generated by both programmes.
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